LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology <p>LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology (LAUJET) is a leading internationally referred journal in the fields of science, engineering and technology. It is a journal founded by academics and educationists with substantive experience in industry. The journal is an online open-access journal with a yearly print version of its volumes/issues made available to interested persons/institutions. The basic aim of the journal is to promote innovative ideas in fields relating to the sciences, engineering and technology. The basic notion of having a wide area of focus is to encourage multidisciplinary research efforts and seamless integration of diverse ideas that might be gleaned from the papers published in the journal.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Engr. Prof. O.S. Oladejo) (Prof. T. B. Asafa) Tue, 03 Dec 2024 12:26:20 +0000 OJS 60 Performance evaluation and redesign of Offa garage roundabout in Ilorin, Nigeria using microscopic simulation <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>An urban traffic system is a composite network, which consists of varying types of intersections. In this paper, the focal point is on a heterogeneous traffic system, In this paper, the focus is on a heterogeneous traffic system featuring a non-signalized intersection (roundabout), with the aim of replacing it with a signalized one</p> <p>It has always been a difficult process to carry out Traffic analysis, with the ever increasing volume of vehicles and densely populated roadways. it is definitely difficult to suggest an alternative answer especially in developing countries like Nigeria. This paper analyses an intersection in the city of Ilorin Kwara State Nigeria. The intersection is modelled with the VISSIM 21, which is a traffic microscopic simulation software that has been extensively used in assessing traffic conditions. The paper also simulates the modelled intersection and determines the possibility of installing a traffic signal at the skewed T- intersection and checks its usefulness by comparing the Level of service, Queue length and carbon emission when the signals is installed and after.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> H. A. Salami, S. ABAYOMI, O. O. Adeleke ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Affordable energy-saving switch control system for homes with disabled persons <p><strong>The need for energy conservation has become increasingly urgent in today's world, especially as energy costs continue to rise and the demand for sustainable living grows. For persons with physical disabilities, simple tasks like turning light switches on and off can be challenging, resulting in higher energy usage, increased electricity bills, and increased physical strain. Existing solutions often prioritize energy efficiency but overlook affordability and accessibility, making them impractical for low-income households. To address these issues, this paper proposes an affordable automated energy-saving lighting switch control system using Arduino Uno, ultrasonic sensors for human presence detection, and a relay to control lighting. </strong><strong>A person-counter mechanism ensures accurate operation based on room occupancy</strong><strong>. Experimental results shows that the proposed system achieves 100% accuracy in detecting human presence in a room, effectively reducing energy consumption from 0.4 kWh to 0.2 kWh per day, which corresponds to 50% energy savings. Additionally, it is 42.41% less expensive than the most affordable system compared in the paper. These findings underscore the system’s potential to offer an affordable, accessible, and energy-efficient solution that enhances the convenience and comfort of disabled persons while contributing to energy conservation efforts.</strong></p> O. V. Abhulimen, O. O. Afolabi, M. O. Obatale ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 03 Dec 2024 12:38:24 +0000 Analysis of dimensionality reduction on ransomware detection using machine learning techniques <p>Ransomware attacks continue to evolve as a pervasive threat to cybersecurity such as data loss, financial losses, and potential disruption of critical services which have prompted the need for robust detection mechanisms. Leveraging on machine learning techniques for ransomware detection has gained recognition; however, the high-dimensional nature of feature spaces has posed some challenges in model efficiency and effectiveness. This research therefore explores the impact of two well-known dimensionality reduction methods that may enhance ransomware detection using five popularly used machine learning algorithms which are K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naive Bayes (NB). Through comprehensive analysis and experimentation, two well-known dimensionality reduction techniques, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were examined on the selected machine learning algorithms using a Ransomware PE Header Feature Dataset (publicly available on online data repository) with 1028 features. Metrics such as Accuracy, Recall, Precision and F1-Score were used to evaluate the classifiers. The comparative analysis of LDA and PCA reveals a discernible preference for one classifier over another. From the results, it is observed that the performance of classifiers with PCA is better than that of with LDA. Also, Decision Tree and Random Forest classifiers outperform the other three algorithms without using dimensionality reduction as well as with both PCA and LDA.</p> A. O. Olalouwa, E. Amusan, O. Adeosun ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 03 Dec 2024 12:54:38 +0000 A Simulation study of the output characteristics of freestanding Triboelectric nanogenerators with interdigitated electrodes for self-powered sensing application <p><strong><em>Diverse forms of mechanical energy are available in environmental routine activities. These energy forms can be harvested, measured and converted to produce electricity at nanogenerator (NG) and micro-scale levels based on the phenomenon of triboelectrification. These motivate this work to develop a self-powered sensing device to detect and monitor static and dynamic processes associated with mechanical activities. The significance is to study the output characteristics of freestanding mode triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) with multiple units of metal and dielectric electrodes. The integrated modeling environment of COMSOL Multiphysics software was employed for the simulation study of the proposed TENG. The system output responses considered for analysis includes, open circuit electric potential and short circuit surface charge density.&nbsp; For the open circuit, the electric potential was achieved at maximum value of 10kV, while for short circuit surface charge density, the electric potential was achieved at maximum value of 27 Cm<sup>-2</sup>. The study results revealed that the input parameter of contact displacement of electrodes is proportional to the output electrical potential of the system. Hence, the efficiency of TENG can be deployed for energy harvesting and sensing of mechanical variables.</em></strong></p> K. E. Ojo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 06 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 31W Linear broadband 3.4 to 4.4 GHZ high power class-j GaN HEMT amplifier <p>The recent upsurge in wireless communication systems requiring high-power transmitters for numerous applications such as electronic warfare (EW), RADAR, Satellite and optical communications has further underscored the importance of linear broadband high-power Class-J power amplifiers. This paper proposes a 31W linear broadband 3.4 to 4.4 GHz high-power Class-J GaN HEMT(gallium nitride high electron mobility transistor)amplifier. The power amplifier was designed based on Cree's commercially available 10WGaN HEMT power transistor device (CGHV40010F) using Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS) software and simulated. The transistor was biased withadrain supply voltage of 48V at aquiescent drain-to-source current of 0.58A,which makes the power transistor suitable for high voltage transmitter operations and foreclosed the need for voltage upgrade, thereby reducing thecost of operation. The power amplifier (PA) operates from 3.4 to 4.4 GHz with a centre frequency of 3.9 GHz. The PA has an output power of 31W, drain efficiency of 36.3%, power added efficiency of 35.3% and power gain of 12.9 dB at an input power of 32 dBm. The PA small signal gain stood at 10.6 dB at acentre frequency of 3.9 GHz. The PA maintained a peak envelope power of 56.2W at aninput power of 31 dBm at atwo-tone Frequency of 3.895 GHz. The proposed PA will find applications in wireless communications, military and aviation transmitters.</p> C. N. Akwuruoha ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 06 Dec 2024 13:19:49 +0000 Techno-Economic and Environmental Analysis of an Off-grid Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Rural Electrification <p><strong><em>Rural electrification is key to socio-economic development in developing countries like Nigeria. However, extending the national grid to remote rural areas is expensive and time consuming, and the traditional power supply method also involves utilization of a standalone renewable energy source such as Solar which have their associated drawbacks due to their unreliability in nature. Hence, this research carried out a techno-economic and environmental analysis of an off-grid hybrid renewable energy system for rural electrification using Kepler Optimization Algorithm (KOA). Feasibility study on electricity and hourly load demand assessment of Alayin village was conducted and village load profile was estimated. Mathematical modeling of each hybrid RES was formulated. A KOA technique was employed to carry out optimal sizing and check the cost efficiency of BG/ PHES/ Battery, PV/PHES/Battery, and the hybrid RES (PV/BG/PHES/Battery). Simulation of the model was done using MATLAB R2021a. The value obtained was validated with Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) for performance evaluation using Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP) and CO<sub>2</sub> reduction in manure management as performance metrics. The results of the analysis showed an appreciable reduction on the LCOE and CO<sub>2</sub> with high reliability using KOA-hybrid RES compared with GSA-hybrid RES.</em></strong></p> P. I. Adeleru, I. G. Adebayo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 05 Jan 2025 16:16:28 +0000 Development and performance of a hot-press machine for particle-board production <p>Waste management in wood and agricultural processing industries conserves resources, energy, and money. Hot-press machines can help small-scale producers afford essential materials like lamination, composites, and woodworking, but current models struggle with tracking process parameters, frequent maintenance, and productivity loss. This research aim at development of a hot-press machine for composite production. Design for the machine include the frame upper and lower platens, hydraulic-jack-base, and mixing-unit, control-box, mould and mould-plate. The components bought off-shelve were hydraulic-jack, heating-element, thermostat, and pressure-gauge. Design done accordance to standard methods. Fabrication process was done at Works and Maintenance Metal Workshop, University of Ibadan. Agricultural-waste <em>Z.mays-</em>cob were sourced, milled, air dried and sieved and retention on sieve number 2.00mm was used for the composite production. Performance evaluation of the machine was done using 60:40; 70:30 and 80:20, of <em>Z.mays</em>-cob particle and Urea-Formaldehyde as the composite-mix ratio. Density, water-absorption, and thickness-swelling were determined for 2 and 24hours respectively. Optimal temperature was 120<sup>0</sup>C and regulated with thermostat connected to 1500W heating-element, while 3bar pressure-gauge was incorporated onto a 5ton hydraulic-jack. The board densities were significant. Water-absorption and thickness-swelling were found favourably. The hot-press machine was successfully developed with a cost of $95 and was able to produce composite board suitable for interior usage from agricultural-waste.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Z.mays-waste</em>, Pressure, Temperature, Composite material, particle board</p> O. Q. Hassan-Ajao, O. A. Moradeyo, T. E. Omoniyi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 05 Jan 2025 16:21:27 +0000 Assessment of groundwater quality and suitability for domestic and irrigation use in selected parts of Oyo Town, southwestern Nigeria <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This study attempts to evaluate if the groundwater quality in some parts of Oyo Town, Nigeria is suitable for domestic and irrigation purposes through an integrated analyses of physical parameters, cations, and anions. Groundwater samples from twenty locations were collected and analyzed for indicators such as pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and major ion concentrations. Laboratory analyses followed standard procedures by the American Public Health Association (APHA), using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry for cations and conventional titration for anions. The Water Quality Index (WQI) was calculated to provide a comprehensive assessment. The results show that the groundwater largely meets the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for drinking and irrigation. pH values ranged from slightly acidic to nearly alkaline, while EC values indicated low to moderate salinity levels. Most samples exhibited low Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP), suggesting minimal sodium hazards for soil and crops.The groundwater in Oyo Town is suitable for drinking and irrigation, although variations in water quality highlight the influence of both geogenic and anthropogenic factors. This study highlights the general suitability of groundwater in Oyo Town for drinking and irrigation, with variations in quality underscoring the need for ongoing monitoring and sustainable management.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> O. J. Oyebode, A. O. Adewoye, M. T. Jimoh, S. A. Bello ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 In-situ determination of terrestrial gamma dose rate within Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso southwest Nigeria <p>The understanding of terrestrial gamma radiation and its effect on human being is intertwined with advancements in radiation science, health physics, and environmental monitoring. It is in view of this that the study investigated the terrestrial radiation level within Ladoke Akintola University Technology Main Campus (MC), College of Health Sciences (CHS) and Teaching Hospital (TH) of the institution. A total of 137 sampling points were assessed for terrestrial gamma dose rate using a portable radiation dosimeter. The measured dose rate was subjected to statistical analysis using analysis of variance with a Tukey post-hoc test. The results of the gamma dose rates ranged from 0.10 - 0.22 µSvhr<sup>-1</sup>, with mean values of <em>0.150 </em>µSvhr<sup>-1 </sup>for MC, 0.11 - 0.24 µSvhr<sup>-1</sup> with a mean value of <em>0.152 </em>µSvhr<sup>-1</sup> for CH, and 0.10 - 0.22 µSvhr<sup>-1</sup> with a mean value of <em>0.170 </em>µSvhr<sup>-1 </sup>for TH. The statistical analysis and the post-hoc test revealed that the medical activities involving the use of radiation at the TH contributed significantly to the dose level of the environment at p = 0.05. The estimated annual effective dose equivalent ranged from 0.18 to 0.42 mSvyr<sup>-1</sup> which is within the recommended limit of 1 mSvyr<sup>-1</sup> for the public set by International Commission on Radiological Protection. The findings of this study provide valuable information on the radiation level of three studied environments and hereby recommended that the general public be radiation cautious by minimizing the amount of time spent within the environment of teaching hospital to mitigate the radiological hazard.</p> I. G. Oke, E. A. Oni, P. S. Ayanlola, A. A. Aremu, O. I. Agbelusi, A. Olatunji, H. Otobrise, G. A. Isola ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 23 Jan 2025 12:46:34 +0000 Characterization of bio-oil yield from catalytic pyrolysis of Zea mays indentata corncob <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>In this study, the effect of zinc oxide catalyst on the quality of bio-oil from catalytic pyrolysis of <em>Zea mays indentata </em>corncob in a fixed bed reactor at optimum bio-oil yield condition was determined. Non-catalytic pyrolysis was carried out in the temperature range of 450 – 600 <sup>o</sup>C and residence time range of 20 – 35 mins, according to D-optimal design of Design Expert software (version 13.0.1), to determine the optimum condition for bio-oil yield.&nbsp; Catalytic pyrolysis was carried out at the optimum condition for bio-oil yield with biomass to catalyst (b/c) weight ratios in the range 97.5/2.5 - 90/10, according to mixture methodology formulation of Design Expert Software (version 13.0.1). Elemental composition and the basic fuel properties of the bio-oils at optimum bio-oil yields conditions, including viscosity, pH value, ash content and flash point, were determined and compared with those of non-catalytic pyrolysis bio-oil. The highest bio-oil yield (44.94 wt.%) from non-catalytic pyrolysis was obtained at the temperature of 550 ℃ and residence time of 25 minutes. The highest bio-oil yield (37.45 wt.%) from catalytic pyrolysis at the optimum temperature (550 ℃) was obtained at biomass/catalyst ratio of 90/10. Catalytic pyrolysis bio-oils possessed higher carbon and hydrogen at b/c ratios of 96.67/3.33, 92.5/7.5 and 96.67/3.33. but lower oxygen and sulphur at 96.67/3.33, 92.5/7.5 and 90/10 than non-catalytic pyrolysis bio-oil. The use of catalyst reduced the viscosity, ash content (at b/c ratios of 96.67/3.33 and 97.5/2.5), and increased the pH value of bio-oils (at b/c ratios of 95/5 and 90/10). Catalytic pyrolysis improved the quality of pyrolysis bio-oil and can be moderately blended with petroleum diesel to power internal combustion engines.</p> Adewale Sunday Adetunji, Pious Oluwatomi Okekunle ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 23 Jan 2025 13:26:43 +0000 The Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of Tajimi iron ore in Kogi State and determination of its flotability nature <p>This research focuses on the geochemical and mineralogical characterization of Tajimi iron ore, located in Kogi State, Nigeria, with the aim of evaluating its industrial potential through froth flotation. A comprehensive analysis of the ore was conducted using techniques such as X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), and petrographic analysis, followed by a beneficiation via froth flotation method. The chemical composition of the crude ore was determined to be 62.166% Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and 18.568% SiO<sub>2</sub>, with other trace elements also identified. Mineralogical analysis revealed the presence of goethite and cristobalite as the dominant minerals, with significant interlocking within the ore matrix, which facilitates the comminution process. Froth flotation was employed to enhance the iron concentration, resulting in a froth concentrate with 68.260% Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and a depressed product with 68.006% Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>. The recovery rate of iron oxide in the concentrate was 32.941%, with an enrichment ratio of 1.098 and a concentration ratio of 3.333, indicating a successful beneficiation process. The findings suggest that Tajimi iron ore has significant industrial potential, though further refinement is needed to reduce silica and other impurities.</p> O. J. Ajakaye, O. O. Alabi, S. C. Ebidame, Y. E. Gbadamosi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 23 Jan 2025 13:59:11 +0000 An approach based on Firefly algorithm for optimal tuning of proportional-integral-derivative controllers for speed control of DC motor <p>This study presents an approach for optimal tuning of the parameters of PID controller for speed control of DC motor using Firefly Algorithm (FA) with the aim of delivering robust and accurate control of DC motors. Data for DC motor were sourced from Honey Well Flour Mills, Ilupeju, Lagos State, Nigeria, while its mathematical model was formulated using dynamic electric machine theory. MATLAB codes were written for the formulated model to simulate the open loop response of the motor. Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) method was initially used to design the PID controller and named ZN-PID, while a firefly algorithm tuned PID controller model was developed and named FA-PID. The performance of the FA-PID approach was carried out using rise time, setting time, mean squared error and overshoot as metrics. Simulation result indicate that at motor full speed, the rise time, settling time, overshoot and mean square error values for ZN-PID tuned controller were 0.5000, 6.196, 22.94 and 0.001415, respectively, as compared to 0.0051, 0.0081, 0.0002 and 0.000673 obtained using FA-PID tuned controller. The result revealed that FA is a potent optimization technique for optimal tuning of PID controller parameters; hence, the developed FA-PID tuned controller can be used by machine operators in various industrial applications for controlling the speed of DC motors.</p> G. A. Adepoju, S. H. Opeyemi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 23 Jan 2025 14:50:19 +0000 Development of speech emotion recognition system using optimized convolutional neural network <p>Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) allows systems to interpret emotions in human speech, creating more natural and responsive interactions between people and machines. Due to the complex nature of emotion detection, several deep learning techniques have been utilized, yet limited research have focused on optimizing key hyperparameters of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for a more efficient system. Hence, this research optimized CNN with Mantis Search Algorithm (MSA) due to its ease of implementation, ability to preserve population diversity during the optimization process, ability to escape from the local optima and balance between exploration and exploitation operators. Audio data for four emotions: anger, fear, happiness and neutrality were acquired from Toronto Emotional Speech Set (TESS) available on The audio data were then converted into text using speech-to-text code and preprocessed using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques: tokenization, removal of stop words, lemmatization, removal of punctuations and lowercase conversion. Mantis Search Algorithm was then applied to optimize CNN for optimal selection of filter size and learning rate.&nbsp; The optimized CNN (MSA-CNN) was implemented using MATLAB R2023a software. The performance of the system was evaluated and compared with CNN classifier using False Positive Rate (FPR), Specificity (Spec), Sensitivity (Sen), Precision (Prec), Accuracy (Acc), and Recognition Time (RT). The optimized speech emotion recognition system showed improved values over CNN on all the metrics considered.</p> B. F. Adebiyi, A. O. Oke, A. S. Falohun, O. O. Awodoye ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 23 Jan 2025 15:00:18 +0000