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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced, double-column; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Include contact details of three potential reviewers. This should include full name (with title), institution, email, mobile number, area of specialization.
  • The manuscript is not more than 12 pages including figures, tables and references

Author Guidelines

Scope of Journal

Publishes articles in the fields of Engineering and Technology

General Instructions

Authors should submit their manuscripts online only.

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Addresses of three (3) proposed reviewers should be added as documents when uploading the manuscript.

Papers published in the journal should be based on original research.


Written in English, it should be typed on white A4 paper, double-spaced with wide margins (5cm) and line-numbered where possible.


Should appear in the following order: Title, Author(s)’ names, Address of author(s), Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figure Legends and Figures.  The Main Section Heading should be in bold, centre and uppercase letters. Do not underline the title of section headings. Subsections (also bolded) may be included and only the first letter of the subsection should be capitalized.  Use SI units of measurement and measurements e.g. 39, 9 days, 36hr. otherwise, use words for numbers one to nine and numerals for larger numbers.


This should be brief and reflect the main theme of the paper.  Authors’ names should appear below the title and below which the address should be typed.


On a separate page not more than 200 words there should be a concise summary containing the main results and conclusion.  Keywords are arranged alphabetically with only the first letter of the Keyword capitalized. Commas should separate Keywords.


Provide essential background information with objectives clearly stated.

Materials and Methods

This should be informative enough to enable readers to interpret the results obtained.  Particular attention must be given to the design, analysis and statistics.


Should be presented concisely using well-designed tables and/or figures.  Appropriate Statistical data should be given.


It should indicate the significance and implications of the results obtained reference should be made to published literature.


Financial contributors and others should be acknowledged.


Only closely relevant references may be included.  References in the text must give the author’s name with the year in parentheses.  Where there are three authors, all three must be cited on the first occasion and subsequently only the first followed by et. al., which must always be used for four or more authors several papers by the same author and year must be followed by a, b, c etc after the year.  References must be listed alphabetically in full at the end of the paper in the following standard form, and journal titles must be given in full.


Bucky, A.R.; Robinson, D.S. and Hayes, P.R. (1987).  Enhanced Deactivation of Bacterial Lipases by a Modified UHT Treatment.  International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 22: 35 – 40.

Stone, H. and Sidel, J.L. (1985).  Sensory Evaluation Practices pp 6 – 59 Orlando: Academic

Dubois, P. (1983).  Volatile Phenols in Wines.  In: Flavour of Distilled Beverages (edited by J.R. Piggott), pp 110 – 119.  Chichester, Ellis Horwood.

Personal communication may be cited only in the text, giving names, dates and institutions or organization of sources of information.

Table and Figures

They should be self-explanatory.  Captions should be brief but should adequately describe the contents.  The Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.  In the text spell out the word Table but abbreviate figure to Fig. Capitalize the first letter of the table column and row headings, Foot mates are designated with superscript lowercase letters.

Graphs should be boxed and ordinates and abscissions marked with index lines.  Illustrations should be in black and white. If colour prints are necessary, the cost of production will be charged to the authors.  Figures should be numbered on the reverse side with authors’ names, shortened titles and the type indicated.

Paper Revision

An author receiving an editorial recommendation for revision should submit the revised manuscript within one month; otherwise longer intervals will be treated as new manuscripts.  Page proofs will normally be sent to the author for correction if time permits.

Processing and Page Charges

A processing fee of N5,000.00 or ($3.00) should be attached when uploading the manuscript in Bank Draft or International Money order Payable to the Editor–in–Chief, LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology, Ogbomoso.

A publication fee of N35,000.00 ($20) is charged after acceptance of the manuscript for publication.  This should be sent with the final manuscript after review.

For payment: Use the following account details: First Bank, 3016551818, Oke Alice Oluwafunke


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.