Current Issue

Vol. 19 No. 1 (2025): Vol. 19 No. 1
Published: 2025-02-13


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LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology (LAUJET) is a leading internationally referred journal in the fields of science, engineering and technology. It is a journal founded by academicians, educationists with substantive experience in industry. The journal is an online open access journal with a yearly print version of its volumes/issues made available to interested persons/institutions. The basic aim of the journal is to promote innovative ideas in fields relating to the sciences, engineering and technology. The basic notion of having a wide area of focus is to encourage multidisciplinary research efforts and seamless integration of diverse ideas that might be gleaned from the papers published in the journal.

Aim and Scope:

The core vision of the journal is to provide a platform for sharing and promoting innovation, current trends and scholarly contributions to the various fields.

Sciences (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Microbiology, Computer Science, Industrial Chemistry, Mathematics, Biomedical)

Engineering (Agricultural, Food, Chemical, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Materials, Civil, Industrial Production, Metallurgical, Computer)

Technology (Information Tech, Biotechnology, Environmental, Renewable Energy, Alternative Energy, Energy, Technology Management and Policy)

p-ISSN: 1597-0000 | e-ISSN: 2672-5940

LAUJET is currently indexed in  Google Scholar, Bielefeld University LibrarySocial Science Research Centre BerlinUniversity of Vechta, Osnabruck UniversityHafenCity UniversityWorldCatUniversity Library of Regensburg, PKP Index, OAJI