Winding inductance predictions of a machine


  • C. C. Awah Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  • C. A. Amaghionyeodiwe Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  • G. C. Diyoke Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  • O. Obasi Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  • I. K. Nnabuenyi Instrument QA/QC Arco M&E, NLNG Sub Contractor, Bonny, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • S. E. Oti Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Keywords: Electrical Machine, Finite Element, Force, Inductance


The winding inductances of a double stator machine are analyzed in this study. Finite element analysis is deployed using MAXWELL-ANSYS software. It is revealed that the machines that have even number of poles i.e. 10-pole and 14-pole, exhibited larger amount of both self and mutual inductance values. The 10-pole and 14-pole machine types have relatively larger direct-axis inductance compared to that of its 11-pole and 13-pole counterparts; nevertheless, with comparably lower quadrature-axis inductances. The machine types that have odd number of poles seem to possess lesser sensitivity to its inductance-current relation, unlike its equivalent even number of pole categories. Predicted peak magnetic axis force value on the rotor of 10-pole, 11-pole, 13-pole and 14-pole machine varieties at 30 W is: 0.18 N, 87.60 N, 10.95 N and 0.13 N, respectively.

Author Biographies

C. A. Amaghionyeodiwe, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike

Senior Lecturer

G. C. Diyoke, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike

Senior Lecturer

O. Obasi, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike


I. K. Nnabuenyi, Instrument QA/QC Arco M&E, NLNG Sub Contractor, Bonny, Rivers State, Nigeria

Electrical Engineer

S. E. Oti, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Associate Professor.

How to Cite
Awah, C., Amaghionyeodiwe, C., Diyoke, G., Obasi, O., Nnabuenyi, I., & Oti, S. (2024). Winding inductance predictions of a machine. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology, (No 2), 175-181. Retrieved from