Functional, physicochemical and pasting properties of pupuru and pupuru analogue made from cassava-orange fleshed sweet potato

  • T. E. Oladimeji Department of Food Science, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology
  • E. T. Otunola Department of Food Science, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology
  • J. A. Adejuyitan Department of Food Science, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso
Keywords: Cassava roots, Orange flesh sweet potato, Pupuru analogue


Blends of cassava (cas) and orange-fleshed sweet potato (ofsp) at the ratio of 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75%, and 0:100% (cas: ofsp) respectively, and 100% cassava as the control were processed to pupuru flour. Samples were analyzed for functional properties, physicochemical properties and pasting properties. The packed bulk density and WAC ranged from 0.71-0.87, 0.79-0.93, 0.84-1.02, 0.95-1.06 g/ml; 2.01-4.05, 2.07-4.07, 2.04-3.12 and 2.07-3.15 g/ml at 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75% and 0:100%, respectively. The pH ranged from 4.00-5.15, 3.63-4.12, 3.53-4.00 and 4.35-5.01 at 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75%, and 0:100%, respectively. The cyanide contents ranged from 3.70-0.50, 3.40-0.42, 3.00-0.31, 0.27-2.97 and 1.31-4.40 at 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75%, and 0:100%, respectively. The pasting time ranged from 4.60 -5.67 min, 4.20 -5.40 min, 4.30-5.50 min and 4.20 -5.50 min for the blended sample at 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75%, and 0:100% (cas: ofsp), respectively. The pasting temperature ranged between 72.6-87.20 C, 66.4-85.50 C, 69.5-85.50 C and 65.5-81.50 C for 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75%, and 0:100% (cas: ofsp), respectively. The final viscosity ranged from 1060-2645 RVU, 1368-2361 RVU, and 1268-2281, 1028-2081 for 75:25%, 50:50%, 25:75%, and 0:100% (cas: ofsp), respectively. This study has established the potentials of ofsp in the production of an acceptable nutrient densed pupuru to enhance food and nutrition security.
How to Cite
Oladimeji, T., Otunola, E., & Adejuyitan, J. (2025). Functional, physicochemical and pasting properties of pupuru and pupuru analogue made from cassava-orange fleshed sweet potato. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology, 19(1), 79-89. Retrieved from